
Elements Included in Truss Work


A truss is a web-like roof structure made of steel or wood that employs compression and tension to produce sturdy, lightweight parts that can span a considerable distance. To prevent being torn apart, the bottom is in tension while the sides are compressed. Crown Fab is the leading trusswork contractors in Kochi.


Elements of Truss Work

Three elements are used to construct a roof truss: upper chords, a bottom chord, and bracing. A truss can be built using a variety of different designs. Most often, there are three chords total—two top chords, one bottom chord—that come together to form a triangle. To distribute the load across the top and bottom chords, bracing posts are arranged in a variety of designs.

The construction of the roof trusses is typically not the contractor's responsibility while building a project. They will be manufactured off-site in a factory and then transported to the job site. There should be instructions and pictures showing how each component fits into the overall design to aid you in the installation process. A ridge beam is typically built above the two major trusses to connect them. Crown Fab is bringing the best roofing option and is the best trusswork company in Kochi. Typically, the two main trusses are installed at either end of the roof. Then, any extra trusses are added.

There typically needs to be a flat ceiling underneath trusses since that bottom chord is necessary to generate compression and tension. No space is available to build an attic or a vaulted ceiling. In order to get one of those design features, homeowners must choose rafters, which might increase building expenses.


Different Types of Trusses

Numerous configurations are possible for trusses. Here is a brief description of some of the most common truss design types. Crown Fab is the leading roofing company in Kochi to develop the best quality modern roofs.


Warren Truss

A Warren truss is a type of bridge that frequently uses several equilateral triangles in place of vertical elements. Tension and compression are alternated in each diagonal section. Warren trusses, however, can be used to extend a structure's span by incorporating vertical members.


Pratt truss

There are both vertical and diagonal members in a Pratt truss system. The diagonal components are in tension, whilst the vertical pieces are compressed. The diagonal elements all converge on the vertical components in the middle. The Pratt truss, which was initially created for bridges, has been modified for use on roofs as well.


King Post Truss

When utilized for roofs, this type of truss is affordable, straightforward, and aesthetically beautiful. There are two upper chords, one bottom chord, and a vertical center post in the middle that is appropriately called the King Post. If the roof truss is left exposed, the lowest chord might be bent to provide a sophisticated appearance. By providing a number of truss works types, Crown Fab is the best trusswork contractors in Ernakulam.


Queen Post Truss

The King design is similar to the Queen Post truss. The Queen Post Truss, however, has two shorter posts supporting the top and bottom chords in place of one long center post. One advantage is that this kind of truss can accommodate openings with a wider span than the King.


Gable Truss

This is an additional kind of roof truss that has three triangle-shaped truss members. Numerous vertical members in the center offer extra support. This design is frequently utilized on a roof's ends.


Truss with Four Ends

Because it doesn't use any diagonal members, a Viernedeel truss is special. Typically, the top and bottom chords are parallel, and the truss's breadth is covered by a number of vertical members. Crown Fab is bringing best roofing options suitable for different kinds of roofs and has become the best truss workers in Ernakulam.

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